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View Full Version : Calling all past and current coaches - from San Antonio Friday

09-07-2015, 10:58 AM
The play before this two of the offending players team members had been tossed.


Now - if you can stomach it listen to the ESPN PC police prattle about culture and overreacting when their own network is the absolute worst at igniting the social media lynch mob. I know every school, coach, teacher, principle, parent that I ever played for would have tossed me off the team before the clock had expired - you cannot touch an official, ever, period.



Coaches - this coach has 14 years and a good rep. Do you as a competitor consider suspending the team? (As a district)

Lumpy Chucklelips
09-07-2015, 11:56 AM
I couldn't do it; I couldn't listen to it all. I would not be able to spend 2 minutes in a room with that bitch without backhanding her. She would drive me crazy.

As to the video, it's pretty clear what happened here and the motivation in my eyes. You can even see #3 for the opposing team trying to go out to block and then spread his arms and turn around implying, "what the hell was that". I'll even say the first player could provide the defense of, "I was focused on the play and didn't see the ref". Not that I would believe that, but he could say it. Player #2 has no defense at all in my mind. He dove into the ref lying on the ground. Nobody does that unintentionally.

The only thing I agree with the two talking heads is that they need to gather all the information before dolling out punishments. One thing is to find out if the players acted on their own, or was a coach involved as well. If a coach was involved, I think it takes it to a new level. But, bottom line, it was a pathetic, cowardice act that we have come to expect in today's society, but sadly has crossed over to the football field.

09-07-2015, 12:12 PM
Whatever the equivalent of misshsaa should declare them ineligible permanently. If the coach behind it, not allowed to coach in tx again.

Whatever info you gather, it shouldn't matter much imo. You cannot alow this to have a gray area.

09-07-2015, 12:12 PM
Two idiot talking heads. Prosecute the 2 players and coach if he is found involved.

09-07-2015, 12:44 PM
It was premeditated battery.

The video speaks for itself. Two high school athletes in full football gear attack an official from behind.

The only question I have is whether the coach was involved.

09-07-2015, 01:06 PM
I'll even say the first player could provide the defense of, "I was focused on the play and didn't see the ref". Not that I would believe that, but he could say it.

Yea, he could try to go with that, but it would be complete bullshit. He clearly lowers his shoulder and targets that ref......if he hadn't seen him, he wouldn't have broken stride and would have been knocked off balance (and possibly even knocked down completely) when he made contact.

The only thing I agree with the two talking heads is that they need to gather all the information before dolling out punishments. One thing is to find out if the players acted on their own, or was a coach involved as well.

Both players should immediately be kicked off the team because that was obviously intentional and there is absolutely no excuse for that. I don't give a shit about their background or their circumstances at home or if they were just frustrated because their parents had grounded them and taken their XBox away.....that is inexcusable and there isn't any additional information needed to know that they should no longer be allowed to play football. Then they should investigate to find out if there were any coaches involved and to determine whether any charges should be filed.

09-07-2015, 01:34 PM
The big guns at the state have engaged now. The University Interscholastic League oversees all the School Districts. I couldn't take but a couple of minutes of the ESPN anchor but it was the dudes cautious 'don't want to offend' reply that made me laugh. That is one day I wish Lou Holtz had been sitting in the studio. More to the point, I am glad I do not watch that network accept for the clips and events anymore - that is scary PC.

09-07-2015, 02:15 PM
It was premeditated battery.

The video speaks for itself. Two high school athletes in full football gear attack an official from behind.

The only question I have is whether the coach was involved.

Agree. They should be suspended for the full season at a minimum- if not banned for life.

09-07-2015, 05:31 PM
Let's not rush to judgment!*******

We've got to "Explore their Cultural Space".*******

They may have had a tough upbringing. Lousy parents. No MTV. Maybe they weren't breast fed! *******

09-07-2015, 05:34 PM
I am not arguing against any of this, but what the heck did this ref do?

09-07-2015, 06:47 PM
Banned for life. I couldnt listen to that pc bitch. thats so horrible. There is no reasoning for that to happen. You kick them off but do investigate to make sure coaches or other players weren't involved.
And yes they are juvies but its a crime. Charge them.

Ive never seen anything like this before. Those kids need to be talked to more so also, because to have that lack of respect for a ref. what kind of respect for any other kind of enforcement agent...