View Full Version : Outdoor Media

08-26-2015, 09:02 PM
I have been increasingly listening to outdoor related podcasts on my drive to and from work. There have been two episodes that really stood out recently some of you may enjoy.

Hunt Talk Radio with Randy Newburg, episode 004. This featured Shane Mahoney, a pretty renowned conservationist and scientist, discussing the North American wildlife management model in-depth. Shane has a hypnotic radio voice, and this was one of the most enjoyable podcasts I have listed to. I felt smarter and more conversant on conservation issues as a result of this episode.

The second podcast that really stood out to me was the MeatEater podcast with Steven Rinella episode 14. Just so happens the guest on this one was Randy Newburg talking all things elk. If you are interested in elk hunting, or a going on a trip this year, this is a must listen, and is full of great tips and observations. I have listened to it multiple times now.

Other outdoor media I subscribe to right now:

Podcasts - Jay Scott Outdoors, The Rich Outdoors, Wired to Hunt, Pursuit to the Plate, Outdoors International, MeatEater, Hunt Talk.

Magazines - Western Hunter, Elk Hunter, Field and Stream, American Hunter, Backcountry Journal, Traditional Bowhunter, Bugle.

Anything out there I am not paying attention to that you recommend?

08-27-2015, 09:18 AM
I don't do any podcast but I follow MS & LA Outdoors website and Todd Masson of Nola.com on Twitter. I read all Masson's work

08-27-2015, 09:52 AM
The second podcast that really stood out to me was the MeatEater podcast with Steven Rinella episode 14.

MeatEater on the Outdoor Channel is one of my favorites. Rinella does some really cool hunts and doesn't take any shortcuts.

Most of the outdoor stuff that I read/watch is saltwater fishing related and probably wouldn't be of much interest to you. I do love to deer hunt, but I spend way more time on the water.