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View Full Version : Since im So Popular

07-15-2013, 01:49 PM
I figured I would join in on the fun. I have been reading for months but lacked the initiative to post. I think this board has a bright future, especially with people like Literallypolice. Hey Literallypolice, I do not have to accept homosexuality. They are nasty, immoral, and flat out wrong and you cant shove that down my throat or anyone elses. I dont beleive in the word homophobic. If you like homos and think it is ok then you are weird, not me. I do not have to be diverse or tolerant, and I damn sure wont conform to your liberal ways. Political Hack, you might as well take note of this also. Obama is bad and if you dont agree then that just means your a dumbass. Im sure you think nancy pelosi and harry reid are good for the country. I do not argue with liberals because I cant, something inside of me doesnt allow rational arguments with idiots.

I dont bother to look up facts and statistics because I shouldnt have to. It is common sense but you idiots must not have any. I literally do not give a damn if you dont like the word "literally". I cant wait for the day this country goes into full on revolution because you two pussies will be on the wrong side. Dont tell me " but kenny its 2013, you should accept everyone", i dont give a shit what year it is and it doesnt mean I have to accept a damn thing. I only rant when I see nerds like you guys trying to look cool by being tolerant on message boards when 90% of the people reading feel exactly like I do. Like the gay basketball player thread on sixpack. He is not special and does not deserve special attention. There is absolutely nothing to be proud of if your a peter puffer.

To the rest of you guys on here, keep up the good work.

Long live George Zimmerman!!!!

07-15-2013, 01:52 PM
All non-sports topics on the political board my man