View Full Version : Shout-out to FlabLoser re: rum

Prediction? Pain.
07-17-2015, 09:14 PM
After he talked up El Dorado rum in a C&D thread a couple of weeks back, I picked up a bottle of El Dorado 15 year. Holy lord, that stuff is good. Guess I've never really strayed far enough from whisky to spend much time with nice rums. My mistake, man, my mistake.

Anyone have other rum recommendations for a recent convert? Only semi-nice ones I've had before now were Cruzan Single Barrel (in St. John a couple of years back) and Prichard's Fine Aged.

07-18-2015, 08:59 AM
I've never been a big run guy, just some sailor jerry on occasion. The best I've ever had was one of the Appleton Estates. Can't remember which one

07-20-2015, 10:32 AM
Yes the 15 is good. I have a ton of other aged ones I'll try to post when I'm home tonight. When I lived in MS still I developed a taste for it so had the gf bring me back all kinds of crap we couldnt get in MS from Specs in Texas.
It's much more than a liquor to throw in a fruity girl drink. But I will drink a Hurricane anytime.

07-26-2015, 02:00 AM
Just now seeing this. Glad you liked it!

Ron Zacapa is also pretty good.

And so is El Dorado 12! Its a little bit different from the 15. Worth trying.

Sailor Jerry is pretty good. At $20, its probably the best rum for the money. Its a spice rum. Fairly complex and satisfying. Drink it on the rocks or in some (diet)coke with or without a squeeze of lime.