View Full Version : Let Me Enlighten Some of you Bear Watchers.....

01-25-2015, 12:08 PM
A lot of you seem so worried about OM's big recruiting weekend. Let them have their day..... let them have NSD. It doesn't matter. They wait till the last minute to get all of their big time recruits. We've had ours committed since September. I guess a lot of you have forgotten about the 4* players we have like..... Jamal Peters (who will only visit State), Donald Gray (already enrolled), Martinas Rankin (already enrolled), Malik Dear (already enrolled), Fletcher Adams, Nick Gibson, Traver Jung, Chris Stamps and Mark McLaurin.

OM has picked up some big names and they'll probably pick up more on NSD. But that's life in the SEC. As long as you have a somewhat breathing athletic department, you'll bring in some big names. Hell, even Kentucky is starting to recruit 4* players.

We go through this every year. Everyone needs to relax.

And slightly off the subject, but I think Leo Lewis would be committed to us if we didn't have Gerri Green. Leo wants to play now and he sees R. Brown and Green lined up at ILB. I'm just hoping Leo realizes that EVERYONE needs to develop. Especially at the middle linebacker position.

01-25-2015, 12:20 PM
Plus Leo will be playing for Manny Diaz, one of the best LB coach's in the country, if not the best. He should note the guys now playing in the NFL that have been coached by Diaz.

Acid mouth
01-25-2015, 12:25 PM
Plus Leo will be playing for Manny Diaz, one of the best LB coach's in the country, if not the best. He should note the guys now playing in the NFL that have been coached by Diaz.

Agreed. I think Diaz is our best DC since..... Well, Diaz. Leo could easily get to the NFL with Diaz. Just look at his results when he was here. We have consistently been Linebacker U while tsun hangs their hat on PWillie. This should be an easy decision.

sleepy dawg
01-25-2015, 12:41 PM
Who's freaking out? I'm not freaking out. Oh wait, yeah. We're state fans and 90% of our fan base is going to go bat shit crazy over the next few days. There's nothing you or I can do about it... Everybody just try not to act like an idiot over the next few days. If you have to freak out about recruiting and losing commits or about some other school getting better recruits, just do it silently and not on the internet. If nothing else, for the sake of all the good players we do get. Put your energy toward making them happy that they chose to be part of the MSU family. They will deserve it since we'll be judging them constantly over the next 4-5 years now.

01-25-2015, 12:58 PM
Agreed. I think Diaz is our best DC since..... Well, Diaz. Leo could easily get to the NFL with Diaz. Just look at his results when he was here. We have consistently been Linebacker U while tsun hangs their hat on PWillie. This should be an easy decision.


Leroy Jenkins
01-25-2015, 01:12 PM
A lot of you seem so worried about OM's big recruiting weekend. Let them have their day..... let them have NSD. It doesn't matter. They wait till the last minute to get all of their big time recruits. We've had ours committed since September. I guess a lot of you have forgotten about the 4* players we have like..... Jamal Peters (who will only visit State), Donald Gray (already enrolled), Martinas Rankin (already enrolled), Malik Dear (already enrolled), Fletcher Adams, Nick Gibson, Traver Jung, Chris Stamps and Mark McLaurin.

OM has picked up some big names and they'll probably pick up more on NSD. But that's life in the SEC. As long as you have a somewhat breathing athletic department, you'll bring in some big names. Hell, even Kentucky is starting to recruit 4* players.

We go through this every year. Everyone needs to relax.

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