View Full Version : Meniscus surgery

01-21-2015, 05:20 PM
Has anyone here had that and how long is the recovery? I'm just back from having it done and am planning on going back to work Monday. I have a desk job so I won't be on my feet all day.

The surgery I had was to clip off a torn part rather than suture up a split. I've read that this type of repair should heal faster.

01-22-2015, 02:27 PM
I had this surgery several years back when 26 years of running finally took its toll. If memory serves, I was off work for 4-5 working days (on crutches) and went back using a cane for another few days. My work required a lot of driving and walking but, by the end of two weeks, I was back to walking without the cane, although with a slight limp for a short while. The most difficult thing to regain was the ability to go down steps (not up). That took about 6-7 weeks.

I would offer one critical piece of advice. Be certain to follow the rehab regimen religiously. It will make a big difference in how soon and how completely you come back.