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View Full Version : Need some book help

12-17-2014, 06:34 PM
I watch game of thrones, probably seen each episode twice and love it. My question is, should I read the five part book? Will it ruin the show? Or will it be its own entity. I'm not a big reader but if I find a good story I get consumed. Any advice from fellow GoT lovers??? Thanks.

Also, I just finished reading American Sniper about Chris Kyle, the man with the most confirmed sniper kills in american history. Strongly recommend it. Read about 400 pages in a week. Great book. They are making a movie out of it like they did lone survivor.

War Machine Dawg
12-19-2014, 01:03 AM
I'd highly recommend the books. GRRM does some things in the books that just can't be replicated on TV. And you get a better feel for some of the characters and their motivations. Plus there are a ton of great minor characters to fall in love with that had their parts either combined or cut from the show. Don't know if you can get caught up on them in time for the new season in April, because they are freaking massive. As for ruining the show, it depends entirely on you. I love both for what they are. They're both likely headed towards the same ending, obviously, but the paths they're taking are a bit different. And reading the books is great if you love conspiracy theories and/or trying to figure out what happens. There are a TON of great theories out there and we've had some great discussion threads here about a couple of them.

I really want to read both American Sniper and Lone Survivor. Also, if you're into military history, I recommend Black Hawk Down and Inside Delta Force. They're both pretty epic. I've got The Finish: The Killing of Osama Bin Laden, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I've got high expectations, though, because it's the same author who wrote Black Hawk Down.