View Full Version : I cannot wrap my mind around this season. As I think about all the ...

10-12-2014, 01:42 PM
occasional big wins, the many losses of the past, MSU fans have been conditioned to expect the worst. Those demons are being slayed slowly. It's like "I don't believe what I just saw". I have a framed T-shirt from when I was 12, we beat Bama 6-3 which reads "Next Year is Now". T-Shirts now should read "Forever is Now". I'm so proud.

10-12-2014, 03:38 PM
It has happened.

The question is "will we as fans accept it?" Or will we as fans return to our "woe is me, we are msu" at the first sign of struggle?

This success proves a few things undeniably.

Respect is an effect of great play not a gift from a network.
Rankings, recruiting and otherwise, count in fans and media minds but not so much in players and coaches.
Great coaching trumps perceived talent.

I always dreamed of this with the caveat of being able to rub it in our rivals eyes. I don't necessarily mean ole miss either. But that isn't important at all. I just want my team to earn the big prize and let the envy of that work itself out.

The snowball of our success will eventually grow to something I cannot fathom right now.