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View Full Version : Except for upsetting us every now and then, ******* would never have beaten a ranked"

08-05-2014, 02:13 PM
Another jewel from the King of Imbeciles, OleMissGuy. I can't recall ever encountering a person so completely detached from the facts as this moron. It's another one of the reason I stop responding to this dimwit, he will just repeatedly post flat-out lies. I'm pretty sure, in his mind, he may actually believe Mullen is only beating them, "once-in-a-while". And no, I don't think he's trying to insinuate, "just the times they've been ranked and Mullen beat them". This guy is severely mentally defective.

Of course, Mullen has beaten Ole Miss 4 of the 5 times he's played them as our HC, and the ONE time they were actually ranked.

Guy just rails on and on with nonsense. Loves to claim we ALWAYS play softer schedules despite the fact there is documented proof this is a rare thing for us, and that we have historically played a tougher schedule than Ole Miss.

08-05-2014, 02:33 PM
Yeah, I was on a FB message board of MSU and TSUN fans and the TSUN fans were deranged there too. I ended up getting banned from the site because I kept calling them out for their lies. They kept wanting to say that they finished 5th in the west last year and we finished 6th. When I pointed out that the official SEC site and the NCAA site said they were wrong their retort was why am I arguing over one meaningless position that far down in the standings. Had to remind them that it wasn't that meangingless to them 5 minutes earlier. That's why it is next to impossible to argue with them. They keep changing what is important. They like to talk historical numbers until you mention 4/5. Then all they talk about is how their current coach is 1-1 and that is all that matters. When you say that our current coach is 4/5 so that does matter then they go back to all time records. When you call them out on their hypocrasy on just saying that historical numbers were irrelevant to them just a moment ago they then change the topic. It's fun pointing out how hypocritical they are in what they spew out and how it just doesn't hold up to the facts. Then that gets them even madder. Had one even try to say our team was full of thugs. So I started rattling off how many players had been arrested just in recent memory from the bears.

08-05-2014, 03:28 PM
Yeah, I was on a FB message board of MSU and TSUN fans and the TSUN fans were deranged there too. I ended up getting banned from the site because I kept calling them out for their lies. They kept wanting to say that they finished 5th in the west last year and we finished 6th. When I pointed out that the official SEC site and the NCAA site said they were wrong their retort was why am I arguing over one meaningless position that far down in the standings. Had to remind them that it wasn't that meangingless to them 5 minutes earlier. That's why it is next to impossible to argue with them. They keep changing what is important. They like to talk historical numbers until you mention 4/5. Then all they talk about is how their current coach is 1-1 and that is all that matters. When you say that our current coach is 4/5 so that does matter then they go back to all time records. When you call them out on their hypocrasy on just saying that historical numbers were irrelevant to them just a moment ago they then change the topic. It's fun pointing out how hypocritical they are in what they spew out and how it just doesn't hold up to the facts. Then that gets them even madder. Had one even try to say our team was full of thugs. So I started rattling off how many players had been arrested just in recent memory from the bears.

Excellent post! Spot on!

Jack Lambert
08-05-2014, 04:57 PM
Oldest trick in politics. Tell a lie enough people will start to believe it.

08-05-2014, 06:28 PM
Oldest trick in politics. Tell a lie enough people will start to believe it.

Jack, I think these delusional morons live in a bubble where they all get in one giant circle jerk telling each other how great they are, and how close they are to the good ole days of pre-integration, to the point they actually believe the most far-fetched bullshit imaginable about themselves.

I've seen OleMissGuy and countless others like him post stuff like claiming their nickname and mascot have no connection whatsoever with the Confederacy or slave-plantations, etc. They really truly believe their school is a model for racial tolerance, a shining example of how great they've been in that area since the Meredith riots. OMG has even gone so far as to post on Rivals that Ole Miss was the far more progressive & tolerant school because they "integrated before we did", as if it was something they chose and weren't forced to do at gunpoint.

While we've no doubt had plenty of racists at our school over the decades, the reality is we didn't seem to attract as much interest early on from black students. Hell, Meredith chose Ole Miss in large part because he wanted to challenge the absolute most racist university in the country. At around the same time as the Merdith riots, we had our basketball team, with full backing from our administration, sneaking out of state to play in "The Game of Change". Especially telling IMO, is the rather large support and welcome back our boys got from the student body on their return after the loss to Loyola.

We were then, and have always been FAR more progressive and tolerant. Then when you consider the things that occurred there even in the 70's, 80, 90's, all the way through "Crunchy Mike", it's hard to believe any of them can be so deluded to think they are a model of progressive-thinking. Certainly it's WAY better than it was, decade-to-decade, and a guy like Crunchy Mike is now in the minority, but the very fact that a guy like that could do and say the shit he was saying in that infamous video, out in the open in their Grove without getting his ass beat, or openly criticized, I think says a lot about the continued difference between their culture and ours,

In fact, I suspect our improvements in race relations have always come from a desire to do the right thing, whereas I suspect theirs has mostly came from a realization that they could never again be a football power unless they could attract elite black athletes. It took time, but I do think it's gradually become a thing where their desire to win football games overcame their desire to persecute minorities, to the point where they are now perfectly willing to kiss as much ass (and other parts) as they think is necessary to get those athletes, regardless of skin color.

Of course, as times change, so do attitudes, so they no doubt now have a large % of students who realize and believe racism is a nasty, terrible thing. But it really blows my mind that so many of them seem to want to claim it came from noble reasons on their part, that their history is not replete with examples, many fairly recent in their history, that would seem to prove otherwise.

Offshore Dawg
08-06-2014, 06:50 AM
Oldest trick in politics. Tell a lie enough people will start to believe it.

This is their style, and has been

08-06-2014, 09:29 AM
All of the arguments/smack talk/ragging between us and the shark land bears can be simply summed up with the simple retort. Who has possession of the Egg Bowl Trophy right now? Nothing else needs to be debated between us and them, that discounts any of their "precious history, if and or buts" period. Next subject ....

08-06-2014, 09:38 AM
What's funny is that they have some fans actually thinking we may go 5-7 this year

That poster on Rivals btw sounds like Ole Rebel Jacob on twitter. I swear that guy has to live in a trailer somewhere around Tchula, Ms

08-06-2014, 09:52 AM
Sounds like you need to ignore that guy... Seems rather delusional....

08-06-2014, 10:09 AM
ha ... life has taught me to steer clear of crazy ... they just can't be helped - not even by Nutt himself

08-06-2014, 10:17 AM
That poster on Rivals btw sounds like Ole Rebel Jacob on twitter. I swear that guy has to live in a trailer somewhere around Tchula, Ms

Have you ever heard that cat call in to Out of Bounds? I would like to think that he is a troll, because the idea of a moron like that running loose in society is absolutely scary as hell.

08-06-2014, 10:42 AM
This OMG dude is so out of touch with reality that he will often try to discredit me on the message board by making what he considers a really big and valid point that I live in Cali, haven't been back to MSU in decades, so I couldn't possibly know what's going on in Mississippi. The damned idiot, while using the www to post, is saying it's impossible to stay closely connected to developing issues in another state.

That level of stupidity is hard to comprehend.

08-06-2014, 01:19 PM
It's amazing how many of them don't even know the facts. We lead the series going back 27 or 28 years. I can't remember which. We lead the series at 5 years back, 10 years back, 15 years back, 20 years back, and 25 years back. That's a generation. I promise you, most Bear fans, especially sidewalk fans, think that we've only won like 7-9 of the last 25 or 30. It's just another symptom of that inate belief that they are superior. They haven't "owned" us in over 40 years. If you quote the record for the last generation to them they'll think you are lying until you actually show them. At that point of course they start putting asteriks by this one and that one.

08-06-2014, 02:25 PM
It's amazing how many of them don't even know the facts. We lead the series going back 27 or 28 years. I can't remember which. We lead the series at 5 years back, 10 years back, 15 years back, 20 years back, and 25 years back. That's a generation. I promise you, most Bear fans, especially sidewalk fans, think that we've only won like 7-9 of the last 25 or 30. It's just another symptom of that inate belief that they are superior. They haven't "owned" us in over 40 years. If you quote the record for the last generation to them they'll think you are lying until you actually show them. At that point of course they start putting asteriks by this one and that one.

I have done that very thing a number of times over the years. The standard response is, "You can't just cherry-pick it like that! History counts! It'll take you blah-blah years of winning every game to catch up, and that ain't never happenin'!" They will simply not engage in logical debate, period. They seem incapable of being the slightest bit objective. The same folks who say you can't dismiss any of the past when arguing about who's the better program now, will turn around and say we can't count Mullen's 4-outta-5 because we can only count record versus Freeze.

Of course, this way of thinking is bizarre in it's lack of logic and reason, yet they will virtually froth at the mouth in their vicious and personal attacks of you on MB is you try to make your case against them. On Rivals.com I'm personally responsible for at least 3 of them getting blacklisted or suspended from the board because they simply could not follow the rules and leave personal insults and attacks out of the discussion. They flat out LOSE IT when you as much as point to a few facts that support the claim we have been at least on a par, if not better than them for the past 3 or 4 decades in football, and actually well ahead in Big 3 sports.

08-06-2014, 03:06 PM
There was one of them that was so unbalanced that, after he got perma-banned and was gone for several months, he emailed the mod who banished him, begging to be let back on and promising he'd never break the rule again.

His one and only post on returning to the board was a copy and paste of the post that got him banned months earlier, with what he thought was a clever addition of, "Since I can't say this anymore, I'll not again be able to tell you what I really think of you, but you'll know". Of course this pissed the mod off to no end, as he said he couldn't believe the guy would so easily and readily break his promise, and immediately upon being reinstated based on the promises he made and after all that begging he did to convince said mod.

I PM'd the mod and told him, "I tried to tell you these Ole Miss fans are bat-shit crazy, spiteful as hell, and often can't seem to control themselves". Needless to say, he knows now.