View Full Version : Haha, check this out.....

06-06-2014, 11:17 PM
SPS Rebel douche, ket7450 - "Do you think it's hypocritical to post on HD6's board after calling him a dick? And if you don't, should you?"

This is what he said when I posted that OM's shortstop was one of the worst defensive shortstops in the SEC. This dude has the creepiest obsession with me. He ALWAYS comments on any post I make. And as for HD6....he would probably tell you he was dick himself. I try to be a member of both boards, but as soon as I try to be involved over there, a total douchebag like ket7450 makes some estrogen comment like that and reminds me why I spend most of my time over here.

I really like Dawgstudent and a ton of the posters over there. Most of the MSU ones. But the ket7450's and other Rebels totally kill the experience of discussing sports with the good MSU fans I like over there.

Hey ket7450, PLEASE come and comment on this post you creepy little dipshit douche. I know you're bouncing back and forth between tabs on your computer hitting refresh to see what the next post on an MSU board is, while petting your cats in your parent's basement I'm guessing...so come on over so I can personally ban your 13 year old, goofy ass

06-07-2014, 10:11 AM
ha - I think you are probably spot-on in that assessment .... Like you, I also read the other board but refrain from most discussion not just because of the bears but also I think that board has a younger clientele that loves to jack people just for the sake of trying to maintain their level of cool ... I actually think some of the bear posters there are better than some of the state posters (but not many) .... if they weren't allowed to run rampant it would help, but this board probably would have still originated due to a desire for true sports discussion

ETA- forget the comment about some bears being better posters --- it just aint so

06-07-2014, 10:12 AM
ha - I think you are probably spot-on in that assessment .... Like you, I also read the other board but refrain from most discussion not just because of the bears but also I think that board has a younger clientele that loves to jack people just for the sake of trying to maintain their level of cool ... I actually think some of the bear posters there are better than some of the state posters (but not many) .... if they weren't allowed to run rampant it would help, but this board probably would have still originated due to a desire for true sports discussion

Excellent points. I agree