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Political Hack
04-15-2014, 06:58 AM
anyone else catch it yet? I watched the first episode last night. pretty strong opener. I'll keep watching for now. I love the colonial time period/history though.

04-15-2014, 07:42 AM
anyone else catch it yet? I watched the first episode last night. pretty strong opener. I'll keep watching for now. I love the colonial time period/history though.
I've DVRed it. Wife and I have watched the first episode but not the second one yet. We enjoyed it and I, like you, find interest in that historical period.

Political Hack
04-15-2014, 08:14 AM
1776 may be my favorite book ever. really let's a reader know that our position today as a country was not somehow predestined... it was earned and was dangerously close to being non-existent. When they call George Washigtom the father of this country, it means something. Without him and the soldiers who agreed to freeze and starve for months on end, this country belongs to the UK.

04-15-2014, 09:06 AM
1776 may be my favorite book ever. really let's a reader know that our position today as a country was not somehow predestined... it was earned and was dangerously close to being non-existent. When they call George Washigtom the father of this country, it means something. Without him and the soldiers who agreed to freeze and starve for months on end, this country belongs to the UK.

I didn't "read" that book, but I "read" that book. Ha. I listened to the unabridged audio version. I do that sometimes in my travels in the car. The local library had the audio book!

Best thing I read about the Revolution was an essay that was about IIRC 14 reason why the Revolution should've failed. I believe it may be in a book of essays regarding military miracles or something like that I have somewhere. We moved last year and a lot of stuff like books (I have too many) are still boxed up because my shelf is full. If I can locate it I'll let you know what it is. I've also got a collection of essays called "How to lose a battle" that's pretty entertaining and is currently on my shelf.

War Machine Dawg
04-15-2014, 09:38 AM
I'm a gigantic history nerd, especially military & colonial history. I watched the first episode of Turn and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely be watching it from now on.

04-17-2014, 12:58 PM
Watched episode 2 on DVR. Sucks that it's in time slot as "Game of Thrones." I'm loving Angus McFadden as Rogers.

04-21-2014, 03:58 PM
I've watched the first two. The jury is still out for Me. Going to hang with it a little longer.

Political Hack
04-23-2014, 08:55 PM
me too. I really liked the first one though. I think it's going to get better though.

04-24-2014, 10:36 AM
I've still got to finish watching the 3rd on DVR. Only got about 10 min into it and had to pause. I wonder if Captain Simcoe is the father of all future Ole Miss alumni. He's got the look, attitude and appropriate level of douchebaggery.

Political Hack
04-24-2014, 08:09 PM
hahaha. he may be. the 3rd episode got me back into it. the second wasn't that good.

05-02-2014, 11:08 AM
hahaha. he may be. the 3rd episode got me back into it. the second wasn't that good.

Finally watched ep3&4. Yep, the smugness on Captain Simcoe's face, he's got to be the Bearfather. I've seen that same look on 9 of 10 Ole Miss fans/alumni faces.

05-13-2014, 10:49 PM
Just watched episode six with the wife. Really enjoyed this one. I felt like it finally took off, not that I didn't find it interesting already. I AM a history buff. I am a little curious why they made Abe's alias "Culpepper" instead of the real life "Culper" ring. I know it was adapted in the real war from Culpepper County, Virginia where Washington did some of his famous survey work in his early years. In real life they used Samuel Culper, Sr. and Samuel Culper, Jr. as aliases. Did they make it "Culpepper" for TV to be simpler? Or is it some British pronunciation crap?


"South Sax" pronounced "Sussex" and then finally spelled as such
"Gloucester" pronounced "Gloster"
"Forcastle" on a ship pronounced "Foeksel"
"Boatswain" and "Coxswain" pronounced "Boson" and "coxon" respectively

So, Culpepper = Culper?

Political Hack
05-14-2014, 07:24 AM
I have zero insights Into that mystery. I did like the last episode though. the intensity is ratcheting up.