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View Full Version : Red soldier wasps.....

Goat Holder
03-11-2014, 03:53 PM
So I just moved into a house in a wooded neighborhood after a few years absence in the mid-south. I forgot about the 3 inch long red devils that swarm and get up in your roof eaves and dive-bomb you and feel like an M-16 when they sting you. **** these little bastards! Anyone have a natural retardant to put around your house? Obviously I spray the ones I see, and I've went in the attic and sprayed the one nest I saw, but they are seemingly coming from the sky and not my house. I also heard they are going to be in huge numbers this year due to the long, cold winter. They just dive-bomb out of nowhere? I've been dealing with them my whole life but I've never had the satanic relics of hell do this sort of thing.

03-11-2014, 04:18 PM
I hate them. I'd suggest burning the house down...

03-11-2014, 07:56 PM
Kill with fire

Political Hack
03-13-2014, 08:33 AM
keep a pack of cigarets around. take the tobacco out, spit on it, and press on the sting spot. it'll remove the poison quickly and stop the hurting a little sooner. it's one of the few "home remedies" that I 100% know works.

03-13-2014, 08:48 AM
keep a pack of cigarets around. take the tobacco out, spit on it, and press on the sting spot. it'll remove the poison quickly and stop the hurting a little sooner. it's one of the few "home remedies" that I 100% know works.

This. I have done this many times with Skoal on a yellow-jacket sting.

03-13-2014, 09:01 AM
What are these wasps natural predators?

You can google plans for building bat houses. You might first want to find out if bats eat these things.

03-13-2014, 09:20 AM
What are these wasps natural predators?


Esmerelda Villalobos
03-13-2014, 07:51 PM
Mid south? Ive lived in the south almost all my life. Ive never heard of these. Where do you live?

Of course, I had never heard of a cicada until 3 years ago. I woke up in nashville and I though the apocolypse was here.

03-18-2014, 09:22 PM
They are the most evil creatures in the world. Immune to normal doses of most wasp sprays, on top of that. The bastards will actually hunt you down. Skoal doesn't help these stings. They have a more orange color than a normal red wasp. I agree with speck, burn the house down and then move. Don't go back.

03-24-2014, 10:46 AM
Pyrethrins (organic) or Cypermethrin (synthetic) spray and some Drione dust should do the trick. My father used this combo for years with great success. If you ever find yourself in need of wasp spray and don't have any handy, a cup or heavy spray of soapy, soapy water will knock those bastards down. I usually use Dawn dish soap and just throw a full cup of it at the nest, unless it's out of range. I'm not sure if it actually kills any of the wasps, but some seem dead when they reach the ground and the others are moving so slow that they are easy targets. Hope this helps!

03-28-2014, 06:47 AM
Talstar or weakened termite poison will do the trick me an both my boys are allergic so we have to keep them away.

Real Deal
03-28-2014, 08:55 AM
Interpolation and Oxfordawg......these kinds I'm talking about are the ones who build their nests in your house, mainly in the eaves. Do you just throw this stuff in there and that repels them, specifically the talstar and poison? If possible yes I'd rather prevent them from ever coming to begin with. Every hot day so far this year I've set off bug bombs in my attic because that drives them out, but they will keep coming back.

03-28-2014, 09:22 AM
I don't remember when my dad started using it, but all I know is that he would reapply the dust on the inside of the house and spray the outside of the house every spring and we never had to worry about wasps. I'll have to ask him if it took a year or so for it to take affect or if it instantly worked.

03-31-2014, 09:34 PM
It will kill and repel the whole year. I spray eaves and facial board and where bricks meet the wood. Spray any other problem areas, within a week your problems should be gone if not mix a little stronger.

Drugs Delaney
04-26-2014, 08:29 AM
I am almost positive he is talking about the Mahogany Wasp. They are very aggressive at times. Your local CO-OP sells some poison in packets that will dissolve in your sprayer. I spray early each spring around eaves where they use to build. I've not had problems with them since.

Goat Holder
04-28-2014, 02:07 PM
These are paper wasps, I guess just a certain breed of them. A good pic is this:


They seem to have calmed down, but I still haven't come up with much to repel them. I can go up in the attic and spray their nests with Spectracide spray cans found at Lowe's or wherever, and that kills them. I just want to repel them though, that's the problem. They always come back. But I think they just swarm in early March, that's why there was so many of them.

I bought some talstar and am about to spray that everywhere.

And upon further notice, they really aren't THAT aggressive like I remember them in the old days. They can't do anything at night, they just sit still and let you kill them. Those little guinea wasp bastards are the ones who'll sting you quick.

04-29-2014, 10:29 PM
Gasoline. Instant Death. That's all my Dad ever used growing up.

Warning: do not try fire in conjunction with this one