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View Full Version : Have the mass graves found near UMMC been linked here?

02-21-2014, 08:27 AM
I don't know how I missed this, but http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/24683505/as-many-as-2000-century-old-graves-discovered-on-umc-grounds
"Recent ground penetrating radar has shown us there are about 1,000 on the north side of this new roadway, 800 to 1,000 on the south side of this roadway," says UMC Spokesman Jack Mazurak. "We've always known there were graves on this site, many of them unmarked. It was really a matter of knowing how many and where."
Mazurak showed us an imaging map peppered with yellow dots, indicating grave sites. Some of the bodies came from the State Lunatic Asylum that used to sit on the grounds. There was also an African American church there, and a potter's field for indigent people who died.

Political Hack
02-21-2014, 09:28 PM
Don't. Build. There.

You will be cursed. #BurialGrounds