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View Full Version : Vudu vs Mojo Shrimp

12-11-2013, 01:42 PM
It's been slow lately so I figure this is a good time to do this. As many know, Vudu Shrimp from Egret Baits has been the hottest artificial bait along the gulf coast. It's easy to fish under a popping cork and catches fish plain and simple. It was just a matter of time before someone copied the design and Academy Sports home brand, H20, has done so with a virtual replica called the Mojo Shrimp. Same exact design with the serrated tail for better action and nylon weaved throughout the tail so it's more durable. I want to talk about the differences and pro's and cons.

H20's Mojo Shrimp- It's only $5.99 for a pack of 2 making it cheaper and has a few more interesting colors. The main pro is the ease of purchase. Having it carried at Academy makes it very easy to grab and many prefer to buy lures in store as opposed to online. The Academy in Gulfport has a huge stock of them.

Egret Baits Vudu Shrimp- It's $7.42 for a 2-pack making it slightly more expensive. If you don't live on the coast and have a local bait shop that carries them, you have to order online making them even more expensive. If you do stick to Vudu you are helping "the little guy" and supporting the original creator and not the big corporate replica. They are now making a 2nd generation of vudu shrimp that have some improvements.

Now for the biggest difference in the 2: hooks. Top one is vudu but I intentionally got similar colors so you can see how alike they are.
**Remember: top is vudu, bottom is mojo in both pictures**



The biggest improvement that Vudu made (at customer request) was improve to a 4x hook. There were numerous complaints about nasty bull reds straightening out the hooks in the first generation. It appears that Mojo copied the generation 1 and have thinner hooks. The top pic is the close-up of the hooks. I hope that it comes out clearly how much thicker the Vudu hook is. IMO that is what you are paying a bit extra for. The new vudu boast that you can catch up to 100 fish per lure.

I want to be fair to the Mojo. These are mainly trout lures that also catch a lot of redfish. I don't think anyone targets bull reds with these plastics. So to just discount the Mojo b/c of hook size concern for bull reds is dumb. It would be like buying a Nissan Frontier and complaining b/c you can't tow an RV. If you are targeting school trout and happy with slot reds, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the mojo.

Bottom line they will both catch fish. Best of luck to everyone hitting the water this winter. Hopefully this was a help to someone.

For online purchase:
Vudu>> http://egretbaits.com/#!/~/category/id=4232109&offset=0&sort=nameAsc
Mojo>> http://www.academy.com/shop/browse/fishing-soft-baits/_/N-4294954632+97009337

Last note: Both brands are now making a 4' shrimp after much demand. The original thought was that trout and redfish were gorging on the school shrimp which is closer to 3' and the success of the original supports that hypothesis. As many fisherman say though, bigger bait catches bigger fish. That isn't always 100% true but there is some validity.

12-11-2013, 03:54 PM
That's some good info BeastMan. I have only had the opportunity to use the Vudus on one trip and didn't know about the Mojos. Our Academy in Jackson carries very little saltwater stuff. Almost none. I'll say this, the Vudus are some tough little rascals. I never changed one out over 2 days. We weren't slayin' 'em, but still, that's unusual to keep the same bait on for that long, just from slinging them all over the place. I'm with you, the hook would make no difference to me. We won't get into any bulls where we trout fish anyway. Thanks for the tip on the Mojos.

12-11-2013, 04:18 PM

I'm in the metro as well and our Academy has zero saltwater stuff. I always stop at the one in Gulfport on my way down. I don't have any issue with the Mojo's but I do get a little extra enjoyment buying the Vudu and supporting the local guy.

12-14-2013, 02:38 PM
Excellent write-up and comparison! Thanks for posting this

12-14-2013, 03:03 PM
Good to see you around Snake

12-18-2013, 12:42 AM
Good to see you around Snakethanks bud!! It's been a rough go the last weeks. Couldn't make the egg bowl so had to watch it from our house just off campus. At least I could smell the fireworks I was so close. About done with radiation so I'm damn ready for a break. I'll be missing liberty bowl but I can only do what I can do.

12-18-2013, 10:02 AM
hang in there Snake, I know that can't be easy ... I enjoy your posting