How is Vandy not getting destroyed in this thread? Maybe they've toned it down, or maybe it's because we haven't been good in basketball in a while, but they were the absolute worst 15 years ago. Didn't one of them have a sign at a game about Lawrence Roberts being a murderer after the he transferred here from Baylor? I remember hearing stories about them yelling all kinds of vile things at basketball games in the early 2000's. Then there's the whistler at baseball games. He's the most obnoxious fan in all of sports. Interacting with Vandy people outside of sports venues is also miserable. Every one I've ever known was a condescending asshole.

Sidewalk Alabama fans are also some of the worst to be around, and I'm talking about mmy family in a few cases. They live in trailers, never went to college, work low-paying construction jobs, know 2 buildings on campus (Bryant Denny and Denny Chimes... #3 would be Coleman Coliseum if they happen to know 3), and have a superiority complex because Alabama wins football games. It's really weird.

In the 90's, I got flipped off by an LSU grandmother when I was leaving a game against them. We were walking up the road between the Dude and the Hump, and she was at the top of the right field bleachers and just started yelling at us unprovoked. When we looked up, she started flipping us off. That was my favorite obnoxious fan interaction.