Quote Originally Posted by Westdawg View Post
Responding to OBMS ??

Incorrect my dear sir. The lawsuit was not against the foundation. It was against the OM Administration. I am sure the Foundation May have been involved in some manner, but the very reason Mars was able to subpoena the phone records of Freeze, AND STAFF, AAAAANNNNNDDDDD. BJORK, and that the lawsuit alleged that the OM ADMINISTRATION had violated such agreement tells us that those records are PUBLIC.
Nice try though, ����.
The settlement could have been structured to have OM pay nothing but the Foundation to pay something. The Foundation is the reason they redacted "Personal" calls. Yes, there are ways around it, and you can be sure OM had the foundation or an individual actually cut the check. All that would be protected by confidentiality. It's lawsuit 101.

Believe me, OM in no way used any university or state funds to pay him off. You can't FOI a private transaction.

Damn, it ain't that hard to do OR understand