Quote Originally Posted by Really Clark? View Post
Sobesik was 3rd in the league in 2014 and Graves was 2nd in 2015
DePasquale was solid for most of his career as well. We haven't had an All-Conference deadeye type in a very long time (not exactly common for anyone... remember Bama's kicking situation a few years ago?), but let's not pretend like our place kicking situation has been a steaming pile of shit going on decades. It's simply a hard position to evaluate for anyone, especially since you can usually only afford to allot, absolute best case, a few scholarships to it. Has Mullen not put enough emphasis on it in the past? Very possibly. Hopefully he's coming around on that since he's now shelling out a scholarship for it, but again, let's not pretend like the position has been a complete void throughout his tenure.