Quote Originally Posted by Bully13 View Post
First time I've ever listened to it. just got thru most of it. . will finish up the rest when I get a little more time. I'd encourage folks to give it a go as well if you've never listened.

did I catch Couch saying he ran a draw on that play though? From my memory he had a WTF moment and called a time out. maybe I'm wrong on that. dunno.
I don't remember the play but he didn't say they ran a draw and picked up about 20. Not sure if it was after a timeout, but I think he said he checked into it. Considering it was about 20 years ago, I'll give him a pass if he was incorrect.

He did say the edge has to go to the home team and he made a good point that this season U.K. Has found ways to win whereas they've historically found ways to lose. That's changes a team's mindset, but he did say state has the advantage.