Nothing fancy, just a few of my usuals:

Fish tacos:
Any fish that has a little bit firmer and whiter meat works great. I don't use much for seasoning, just a little "cajun seasoning" is really all you need. Then a little oil in a pan over medium heat. I use a fish taco sauce recipe similar to this one, but no capers. The dill makes a big difference to me:

Boiled Shrimp:
Pro-Boil (have tried a dozen different seasonings and have found this to be the best)
Little bit of cayenne
Half cut lemons
I cook my corn/potatos first and take them out. Then bring back to a boil, drop in shrimp and then cut heat after maybe 1 minute. Stir them around until they are the right color and then drop in some frozen jugs (gallon jugs in big pot outside; 20oz bottles work fine inside on the stove). This will drop the temp, but not dilute your seasoning. Then just let them soak and taste occasionally, until they are to your desired spice.

Grilled Shrimp:
I like a 16-20 or larger for grilling.
Peel the shrimp, leaving only the tail
Simple marinade is a sweet thai chili dipping sauce & pineapple juice; terryaki and pineapple is good too.
Skewer and grill for a few minutes on each side. I like to add pineapple chunks between the shrimp on the skewers.

Fried Fish:
Easy as it gets - Fresh speckled trout & Louisiana brand Seasoned Crispy Fish Fry - fried golden brown!

Those are a few of my favorites, but I'll change it up from time to time.