I think you guys are kinda arguing past each other. SD made a main point and a side point to support it; his main point being that our current roster isn't that talented, and his supporting point being that our past several seasons have been the same.

7 and others are pointing out how stupid that supporting point is (How can you win the SEC, be a national seed, and make the supers 2 straight years if your roster "lacks talent"?), and ignoring the overall point about the lack of talent on this team. SD is too prideful to admit he made a bad supporting point, and is now acting like attacking his 2nd point is the same as attacking his overall point.

For the record, I think both of you are partially right. This team doesn't seem to have the returning talent at P to be good next year. We need another year or 2 of good recruiting to fill out the lineup too. However, this is not a chronic problem, and the program itself is clearly capable of rebounding after bad years ('15 to '16)