Quote Originally Posted by Todd4State View Post
1. Where did I say or insinuate that anything I have ever said on a message board has ANY effect on anything that happens at MSU? Where did I say anything about MY posting holding Dantzler accountable? ALL shit YOU made up in your beany little head. All so you can pretend to be the board den mother.

2. I'm trying to get you to understand is it's not your place to call people out on that- and you are way out of line on that. This is a sports message board. Sports are going to be discussed. Players are going to make mistakes- like everyone else. That's going to be discussed when that happens. It's not anything personal towards the player. It's just a mistake and something that needs to be improved upon so that we can get better as a program. You're the only one freaking out- and then going off on some crazy tangent about the things in point number one. This is not rainows and sunshine MSU- and I would direct you to the old Genespage if it still existed. As it is, while you are here we're going to discuss MSU sports amongst ourselves because we're alums and fans and that is going to include some criticism- but it's not personal. You completely ruined this thread because for some reason you feel the need to defend our players. That's some (old) Genespage 101 bullshit.

3. No one was flipping out- except for you. Well, and me. But that's not because of Dantzler. It's because I HATE holier than thou assholes like you who try to attention whore themselves when they should be minding their own business.

4. You have no idea about football? That's the first accurate thing you have typed. Well, let me explain this. Penalties are bad. So, the fewer you get the more likely you are to put yourself in position to win in general. That's why running up to another player and bumping them after the whistle in front of an official is a bad idea. And on top of that- that player runs the risk of potentially being ejected as well. Us Barrett Sallee wannabe's know this and so we know that if we have a more disciplined team it's going to give us a better chance to WIN the game. Understand? It's "selfish" because it's an emotional decision on the part of the offending player becasue in a contact sport like football- if you want to get back at someone you can do so legally the next play by legally blocking them, tackling them or doing something to HELP your team. Hopefully that's clear to you.
Thanks dude, continue to be condescending and act like you know it all. I'm sure you'll go far in life with that attitude.

You can sleep tonight knowing you are free to criticize whoever you want. I wish I had insight into your job so I could criticize everytime you messed up.

And also once again you fail being able to make a post without calling someone a name. You must have been picked on too much for being in the band.