Quote Originally Posted by BoomBoom View Post
That doesn't explain why traffic doesn't move at all. I've been to stadiums where 50000 leave at the same time, and the traffic may be slow but it moves. At MSU, it just sits frozen. Some of that is on stupid drivers, but most of it is on poor planning and execution IMO.

Idea: designate some lots as first to leave, others with a delay. Charge accordingly. Let people pick which works for them. For the delayed lots, put a gate or a guard on them and keep them closed for an hour or so. That would help the traffic flow.

Find the chokepoints that are slowing everything down, and fix them. I would bet the PTB know where the handful of chokepoints are (and they probably aren't on campus), but the fix involves spending a little bit of money so nothing gets done.
**** AMY TUCK, former LT Governor, is who needs to be contacted... Yes, those parking passes need re-working.... I could walk home faster than getting in the traffic. Also, ALL shuttles should be suspended for 2 hours after a game to the City Routes.... ie all shuttles should run to the parking areas and not through the city.... As to the parking... it was an idiot that decided that they wanted a WALKING campus.... so guess what... less roads and parking lots.... Ask employees that cannot locate parking...