Finally got around to watching the episode last night since I don't pay for HBO and have to pirate it. My initial thought: HOLY. SHIT. So much happened, even though there wasn't a ton of "action." Let's just start with the obvious: Cersei is an evil, lying bitch. If The Hound doesn't kill her, Jaime will. He finally sees her for what she really is. I can't wait for her to die. Unfortunately, I get the feeling we'll have to wait until the series finale or the episode before to see it happen. Is she lying about her pregnancy to manipulate everything? Who knows, but I would put nothing past her. There is no low to which she won't stoop to retain power.

Littlefinger got what was coming to him. It was awesome to see how perfectly Sansa & Arya played him. All his little games finally caught up to him. But I do agree with Sansa on one thing: In his own twisted way, I think he really did love her. Going to be interesting to see how Sansa & Arya play into the Great War. Sansa is now a political animal perfectly suited for leading a political charge to take the Iron Throne thanks to Littlefinger.

Still not sold on Bran. I think there might be some serious multiple personality disorder happening with him. He's the Bran everyone loves until he wargs, then who knows what he is? The fact he missed the marriage between Rhaegar & Lyanna says he doesn't know everything he thinks he does. I have a feeling that's going to bit the living at some point.

Bronn, Tyrion, and The Hound were all at their hilarious best. Even Pod got in on it a bit. Those three make me roll with laughter. Funniest moment of the night goes to the conversation between Bronn & Jaime about the Unsullied and their lack of a unit. Honorable mention goes to Bronn & Tyrion talking about Bronn operating only on his self-interest. I'm gonna be pissed if Bronn isn't one of the ultimate survivors and gets some sort of lordship out of it. The Hound is gonna kill The Mountain, and it's going to be epic when it happens.

Jon & Dany finally have their moment we've been building towards all season. I'm interested to see what Tyrion does. He was in favor of it earlier, but something was off when he saw Jon enter Dany's room. The big reveal of Jon's true name was a nice little Easter Egg: Aegon. As in the Conqueror and several others after, notably Maester Aemon's brother who became king. And as we've all suspected, he's the legit heir to the Iron Throne. Going to be interesting to see how he & Dany work out that relatively "minor" issue.

TNK using Viserion to take down the wall was predictable and awesome all at the same time. I really hope Tormund & Beric are still alive. It's gonna suck if they died. Tormund has quickly become one of the funniest characters on the show.