Quote Originally Posted by Tbonewannabe View Post
No way they let Jaime die like that so I imagine someone rescues him off the bottom of the lake somehow. Not many episodes left and I was mad that they cut the episode 10 minutes short. I will say they made some shit happen. Not much time spent dragging on with something that didn't matter that much. It kind of pisses me off that I had to watch any of that time waste in Dorne now since it obviously doesn't matter at all. I doubt we see anything to do with Dorne unless the Dornish people come North to fight the White Walkers. Other than that the show butchered that entire story line from the book.
I'm betting Jamie, Bronn, and the Tarlys will be Dany's prisoners to start the episode next week. It'll be cool to see Jamie and Bronn reunited with Tyrion.

Yeah, I was pissed the episode was cut short too. They've never done that before.