Quote Originally Posted by Sundawg1974 View Post
A month or so ago both St. Andrews and Northwest Rankin baseball were disqualified from the playoffs this year due to use of an ineligible player under Rule 4.10.3 (negligence of school officials to adequately check rules, regulations, and records). Not due to malicious falsification or other egregious actions.

St. Andrews went to arbitration while NWR was not allowed to seek arbitration by the Rankin County School District since RCSD was less eager to spend education funds on arbitration/legal fees for a sports programs at one of many schools in their district.

St. Andrews won their arbitration with the Arbitrator finding that disqualification from the playoffs for violation of Rule 4.10.3 is not allowed per the MHSAA handbook and is therefore arbitrary and capricious. MHSAA is limited to disciplinary probation which does not include disqualification from the playoffs for violations of Rule 4.10.3.

Mr. Hinton refuses to change the penalty imposed against Northwest Rankin in spite of the fact that it has been clearly shown that disqualification from the playoffs IS NOT ALLOWED FOR RULE 4.10.3 PER THEIR OWN HANDBOOK/GUIDELINES. This is solely because NWR did not go to arbitration.

Now I'll admit I am prejudice since I have a child on the baseball team. But putting aside any dislike you might have for NWR, is this how MHSAA operates? They appear more concerned with hiding behind their bureaucracy and pettiness, rather than doing what is right (per their own guidelines) for Students.

Any suggestions on how to bring sanity to this situation?
Quote Originally Posted by gravedigger View Post
Know that if you tell a story and leave out an element, like an admitted recruiting violation, you actually aren't seeking informed suggestions.
Ding ding ding we have a winner and like I said in my prior post it isn't his first or even second run in with this over the last 15 years.