Quote Originally Posted by mcain31 View Post
With Tommen being the recognized King, Jaime is his heir. Jaime is his closest male relative.
As Captain of the Kingsguard, he swore an oath to hold no land or title. He mentioned the fact when Tywin wanted him to go back and rule Casterly Rock. He said that was the only oath he hadn't broken so it was important to him. I don't think Jamie would want it unless Cersie talked him into just being her puppet. What would kick ass is if Gendry rowed down the Blackwater to King's Landing and became king as the last Baratheon living. Of course he is a bastard so he basically has no right to the throne. It wouldn't surprise me if Dorne works with the Tyrells to overthrow the Lannisters and in the middle of this Dany shows up with the Kalesar and 3 Dragons ready to fight. The shit will be going down and news hits that the White Walkers are invading Westeros.