Quote Originally Posted by BrunswickDawg View Post
Drives me crazy. All those things are what MADE ballplayers when we were coming along. You would struggle to make your high school team if you couldn't execute those fundamentals. And even then, that's almost all we worked on in practice. Over and over again. I swear we spent more time on those things then we did hitting. 10 cuts each in BP everyday for 6 weeks was all you got to get ready for the season. Need more - go to Bat n' Pac (it was an arcade with batting cages) and pay 50 cents for 20 balls on the "fast" machine and figure it out on your own! Strike outs are fine, but if you miss the cut-off man you are running foul poles after the game!
Me, you and so many others grew up learning the same way. Baseball is a long season and games are long. Those fundamental things may seem trite but over the course of a season(or game), those things can be the difference between winning and also ran!

Think about this too. How many reps did we get playing sandlot baseball with our buddies? Kids don't do this anymore. We literally got thousands of reps just playing in the backyard and that's how you learn the game. Those reps you learn what can work and what won't work!