Quote Originally Posted by ScoobaDawg View Post
Bump... finished Stranger things 3.. Best one yet.
Orange is the new black...great ending to a great show

Currently watching - The Great Baking British show, which looks to be one of the shows that is now going to weekly episode drops instead of all at once. What can I say I love to cook / bake.

Next, actually starting tonight.. Mindhunter Season 2.

Whar's in your queue to watch?
I'm middle of season 2 of Mindhunter now. Great show. I love when shows do very good prop/location research to add in detail, and they have done a great job with Atlanta circa 1979/80. It' small things like finding a hotel that looks enough like the interior of the Omni that you think it is (the Omni doesn't look at all today like it did then). They even have the correct license plates on the GA vehicles for the period.