I wouldn't hate Ole Miss so damn much if it wasn't for their chicken shit, rubber dick fans. Some are decent, most are spoiled little pricks that wear loafers and coasta del mars that wouldn't even know how to tie on their football cleats. I have a twitter and some ****** ass little dick head takes time out of his day almost every day now just to take shots, I could understand about football I can play along with that. But it turns into personal shots and shit that's what I cant stand. Runs out of comebacks to say about sports so we get personal. Ive never been a fan of that..... I don't mind the school honestly I don't, I think they should bring back colonel reb and from Dixie with love and all that but still its little dickheads like that, which is probably about half their fan base that just set me off. Why do yall hate TSUN feel free to give any stories about past Egg Bowl encounters ive had a few #GTHOM