Quote Originally Posted by ScoobaDawg View Post
Dumbest idea ever... Wait.. you will say do that with the football stadium next.

Takes money to have successful coaches and programs....

To the young student yelling screw all the people who don't show up..
Shut up.. enjoy your free tickets and the wins.

The support will come with better opponents and more wins... and more sustained success over multiple years.
We have money. Thanks ESPN. We'll make more money by filing the Hump every game with locals than we currently make by selling season tickets to empty bodies. Tired of the Hump atmosphere being held hostage by the same grumpy 2,000 that never show besides twice a year. You don't donate money to MSU because you expect something in return for it and you certainly shouldn't expect to have a seat in the Hump stay empty for you 18 times a season.