There will be no time vortex allowing anyone to travel back and recoach Tunsil what not to say draft nite.

The shadow cast will not cover up any of the University's wrongdoing.

The shadow cast will not cover up any of Bucky's wrongdoing.

It will not in amy way erase any phone records.

Even if the entire NCAA enforcement staff, especially COI member, goes blind from looking to long at the eclipse they will still be able to see what Ole Miss has been up to.

It will not create a tidal wave that will wash away all sins nor evidence thereof.

It will not fry/delete computer memory files.

It will not piss off Godzilla causing him to destroy Starkville.

It will not kill any of Leo Lewis's brain cella that contain information pretaining to the investigation. Neither will he be so frightened that he will withdraw his tesimony.

It will not give Steve a heartattack.

It will not prove C34's predictions to just be random crap thrown against a wall that would never stick.

It will not cause the NCAA to become confused and levy penalties against State instead of TCUN.

....there may be some more. Feel free to add for the benefits of the Lurkers up North.