Sooo, I have been meaning to post this...I was having some adult beverages at a Jackson watering hole, with a TSUN friend...yeah, I know...Regardless, its a watering hole wear the waitresses are scantily clad and rhymes with "spin leaks." Anyway, one of said waitresses knows my TSUN friend and starts going off about C Kelly texting her, snapchatting , friend requesting her etc...She had messages saved, pics,details. Said waitress's Dad lives on ms gulf coast. C Kelly asks to meet her on coast so they can "hang out." She obliges, CK shows up and she opens door and he immediately trys to take her top off. She says, "well hello Chad." " Do you want to talk?" Yada, yada, yada. CK, say "NO!" I wanna fuq." She declines, and she says CK sits down on couch whips it out and starts doing his thang....I interrupt and ask, " wtf is CK doing on MS Gulf Coast?"

Her reply, "His parents live on coast now." Wtf is C Kelly's parents doing living on MS gulf coast? We all know the answer....