was just wondering if there were any other old timers that remember a day I'll never forget.

I was in my mid 20's living in Memphis with no responsibilities other than my low paying , M-F gig. I forget the exact day and year.

So I wake up one morning (forget if it was a Sat or Sun), and make a decision. I'm gonna drive to Vegas and watch me some Bully Baseball. God I miss that kind of freedom. Why did I not realize how much I had at that time? So off I went. all by myself.

I don't remember who we played , but to the best of my knowledge, we won the baseball game. After the game, I see that we are playing KY at the Hump in a few hours or so.

I decide to hang out. pretty sure I went and found the cheapest burger / fries combo I could find in the interim. Go to the game and it was a Mother 17'r of a game. from my memory, we won at the buzzer. the crowd went wild. it was freaking amazing. I'm pretty sure we were big underdogs going in and it was a big time Bulldog party.

So now it was time to drive home. At that time , I was in my early tenure as a Memphis resident. the only route I knew was straight down 55 to 82. later in my 12 yr stint in Memphis , I discovered the Grenada / Bell Fountain route. But not that night. I headed west on 82 towards Eupora. All hell broke loose with the weather. The wind, t-storms were rocking the shit out of my '78 , manual trans, corolla. it got so bad I had to pull the 17 over, it got so bad I couldn't drive. I had never had to do that before, I always considered myself invincible when it came to driving things. had competed in motocross and drove spray rigs in the delta, considered myself as a bad ass when it came to operating things on wheels. not this night, humility smacked me in the ass that night. I was scared straight.

does anybody remember that night? according to the a.m. radio I tuned into while pulled over, several tornadoes touched down in Eupora that night. I remember my car shaking to the point where I would swear that I almost tipped over. I don't remember what side of Eupora I was on when I was on the side of the road.

If anybody has any additional info on those tornadoes that night regarding damage and such, it would be greatly appreciated. Have always been curious about that.