Quote Originally Posted by GeoDawg View Post
My two cents and all it's worth as an old blue head (61). I don't have a problem with the slogan #SwagIsState, but I'm not sure I get the entire message. So, I think it is reasonable to ask for an explanation.

For example, I'm sure someone at Budweiser thought it was a good idea to put Dylan Mulvaney's picture on a few cans of beer to reach a targeted audience (Millenials or Gen Z), not sure which. However, without explanation, I think we can all agree it backfired big time.

And one thing I've learned from Sharktank is that if you have to spend a lot of money explaining it, it's not good marketing.

So if we are going to use it and you want buy in from old blue heads, you better be able to explain it because they/we have every right to not support something we don't agree with such as "transgenderism" (going back to the Budweiser example).

So, what does #SwagIsState mean to you?
It really doesn't make sense. That is why I find it cringey.

SWAG stands for Stuff We All Get. (Gear, gifts and what not)
Swagger is different. It is a persona of confidence and the way you carry yourself.