Quote Originally Posted by shoeless joe View Post
I live in clay county. Don?t know the sheriff other than seeing him around. Can?t defend or confirm anything in the article. What I will say is The NY Times also wrote an article about a val/sal debacle in West Point a few years ago and it was 100% a racially based and biased hit piece where they made no mention of what actually caused the confusion and instead turned it into a rich white vs poor black issue, which couldn?t have been farther from the truth. So it will take much more than an article from them to make me come to a conclusion about anything.
I?m from Clay County and can confirm that The NY Times article on the WPHS val/sal contained no facts. They talked to one side and printed everything they said as fact even though everything they said was false. They didn?t want facts. They wanted a story painting Mississippi as racist.

ESPN did the exact same thing. They came in to do a segment on WPHS football. By the time it was over it was a black vs white story pitting the players at WPHS against the players at Oak Hill Academy. It was a huge injustice to WPHS as it failed to highlight the accomplishments of WPHS while acting like the only difference in the two teams was skin color. There may have been one player at OHA that would have started at WPHS. If you hear the national media is coming in hide your wife and kids.