Thats right, let's blame an inanimate object and forget individual accountability. So, given this belief, let's outlaw all vehicles as they have also been used in murdering innocent people. Or how about outlawing knives as a man in China killed 30 people with a knife before he was subdued. Where do you stop with this madness? It is not the inanimate object that kills it is the individual that picks up that object with the intent to do harm. The individual should be held accountable - you know the way it used to be.

When I was in grade school (early 1960s), I carried a pocket knife to school as did most all boys of that day. Yes we got in arguments, scuffled and fought but we never drew a knife on another person. We never threatened anyone with our knives.

Older high-school kids came to schools in vehicles with gun racks that carried shot guns and rifles but we never had a shooting.

The problem is not the object used to do harm but the person behind the object - pick your choice of object. The problem with society is that we have lost our moral compass as a society. The Supreme Court expelled God from the public schools in 1962 and 1963, when they ruled that prayer and Bible reading in school had become unconstitutional. Today the moral precepts of the Ten Commandments can no longer hang on the walls of our children's public classrooms - instead we have drag queens in the classroom and public libraries. Yet many people can't understand why we strayed from biblical principles and turned out so rootless and rebellious.