I wish you better luck than mine. We went on our annual Trout fishing / camping trip in Eastern Tennessee. Don't get a cell signal up there. Good weather and fishing on Saturday and Sunday am but a rain deluge set in and it flooded the stream beginning Sunday evening and didn't let up until we broke camp and left. Tuesday am around 3 am we headed down to the ER - my son had been bitten twice by a Brown Recluse in his waders and was having a very bad reaction ... I didn't know it at that particular time but my wife had fallen down the outside stairs while taking the dog out around 10pm and lay there all night with a dislocated and broken shoulder, broken arm, and broken knee cap ... I spent a week with her in the hospital. She's still there as the hospital is looking around for a PT rehab facility to put her in for another two weeks. She's gonna be ok (as well as my son) but it's gonna take a while......... All I wanted to do was to go camping / fishing - I wish you better luck than me Snowman