His son has released a message on the website...it's a good read: https://www.lcfc.com/news/894771/a-m...vaddhanaprabha

I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for this overwhelming support.
Thank you, also, to Leicestershire Police and the Emergency Services. Their fast response on Saturday kept a lot of people safe. Their professionalism and sensitivity since then have made the last few days as bearable as they could be.

What happened made me realise how important my dad was to many people all over the world and I’m touched by how many people kept him close to their hearts.

I’m extremely proud to have such an extraordinary father. From him, I have received a very big mission and legacy to pass on and I intend to do just that.

I know that I will receive the support I need to make this happen and I am so grateful for all your messages and kind words.

For a long time, my father taught me to be strong and to take care of my family. He loved his family. He made Leicester City into a family. And nothing would make him prouder than to see how the Leicester City family that he built is supporting each other through a time of such sadness.

My dad had a way of teaching me about life and work without making it seem like a lesson. He was my mentor and role model.

Today, he has left me with a legacy to continue and I will do everything I can to carry on his big vision and dreams.

My family and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your sincere kindness and good intentions during the most difficult time for us.

I miss you dad, with all of my heart.