The cheap disposable traps at tractor supply work great. You can DIY also but research the best baits. I stuck a disposable trap on the back deck away from my door. This area is where my dog food bin is and where my dogs chill in the shade. I noticed they were fighting the fly problem just like we were in the house. Flies are terrible in the rural areas this year. Especially when the farmers started spreading manure on their pastures. Anyway, the tractor supply trap has caught hundreds in less than a week. It’s crazy.

I boiled crawfish a month or so ago and the flies were unbelievable even after I pressure washed cement with bleach. I put out a couple of the traps and wiped out hundreds then also. I put fly paper in the shop and garages. For the house, just gotta keep swatting. The trap bait stinks and u don’t want to draw them to your home.

Good luck. It’s a battle.