Quote Originally Posted by somebodyshotmypaw View Post
First off, I stated I didn't have an opinion. So I'm not living my life with fears towards pot. I never stated that at all and I'm not sure where you got that from. I only gave my personal experience with it and two ex-employees. And what I stated about that particular situation is 100% fact. I also simply told you what I was told and stated that I didn't have an opinion and had not been there. Actually, I'm scheduled to go to Denver in June 2019. "Pot smell everywhere" is what I was told and I admitted that I could not confirm. Same with "increase in homelessness". Can't confirm it but statistics do show that (HUD states Colorado's homelessness jumped 13% from 2015 to 2016 while nationally it was down 3%)

I honestly don't have an opinion for/against pot. I haven't been around it enough to really form one. So I'm neutral. But somehow, because I didn't jump on the "LEGALIZE POT NOW DAMMIT" bandwagon, then you think I'm against it. Hell, I admitted in the first sentence that I didn't have an opinion. Heaven forbid that folks like me have enough to sense to admit when they don't understand something. I know it goes against message board etiquette because on message boards everyone is supposed to be a 100% expert on everything. I was simply stating what I was told, and my very own limited experience with it. And I qualified my statements as such (note I said many times "THEY CLAIM").
Calm down. Smoke a joint it'll help.