Quote Originally Posted by Dawg61 View Post
Oh man you got us Liverpool Sherlock Holmes. You have sniffed out some Gamecock fans on here. Beardo, mstatefan91 and myself have been scheming in PMs on how Lady Gamecocks basketball can get a competitive edge over MSU. We've been busted!! Damn you're one clever tart
No, I just pointed out that you aren't as cool and hip as you think you are. Surely to goodness you don't actually even sympathize with Staley ( no question marks, statement). If you are old enough did you sympathize with Joe B. Hall when he came to the Hump? That big red headed guy that used to sit behind the Kentucky bench back then that always gave Joe B hell would have beat your A$$ if you had. Interesting that you are defending our biggest rival in the sport while I'm attacking her though. You obviously aren't a South Carolina fan. What exactly DOES that make you?