Quote Originally Posted by QuadrupleOption View Post
So far I've seen exactly two ideas in this thread that don't make me cringe a little:
1) Limiting non-coach analysts
2) Requiring schools to honor scholarships once they've been offered (for one year).

The rest of these are unworkable and a quick way to reduce college football from 130+ teams right down to around 30 teams. Quit trying to make it like the NFL. If I want to watch the NFL there are 3 nights a week during the season I can watch the NFL.
It would be nice if MSU, or Iowa State, or Kentucky, or three dozen other school had a snowball's chance in hell to win something significant. College football is romanticized because players are doing it "for the love of the game". Well, they are getting a scholarship too, and many wouldn't be playing if they weren't. You can structure CFB like the NFL but still have all the tailgating and the traditions and the band and the cheerleaders and all the things you love about CFB. Except it would be better because teams other than the same handful could actually win something.