Quote Originally Posted by Churchill View Post
You forgot to include Obama getting us to all pee together with the rest of his "accomplishments".
Well since Americans cannot control themselves when someone brings up a political point of view, including myself. My post was complimentary to both parties because in truth both parties have maneuvered this country towards our economic bull market we are seeing right now. To say otherwise would be the definition of fake facts and strictly head in sand mentality.

As far as the peeing.

Well some people say you are born with a penis or not, and then you should use the restroom that matches that description. Some people believe people are free in this country and believe that maybe you should be able to choose which gender you identify with. There are also arguments that some people may not be comfortable with a "man" in a women's restroom or vice versa. Men that identify as women, look like women, and dress like women have that right. They also have the right not to feel anxiety of looking like a man and walking into a women's restroom. All arguments are understandable. Obama seemed to come down on the freedom and rights of the minority group. Why? Maybe because by being the minority, their rights as Americans are easily overshadowed by the people that would write this unprompted, "You forgot to include Obama getting us to all pee together with the rest of his "accomplishments"."

The problem with liberals is that they only focus on minorities, black lives matter, occupy wall street, planned parenthood, Medicare, etc. Liberals should spend 50% of their time advocating for the other 75% of americans. The problem with conservatives is they want the government out of your life completely, unless it is something they feel the government should control like birth control, abortion, and suppressing voter registrations. Conservatives should fight to limit any and all involvement in what Americans choose to do, including abortion, birth control, and transgender restroom choices.

That is how I see it.