Quote Originally Posted by Maroonthirteen View Post
Also....21 violations!!! 21!!!! Pardon us if we don?t give you the benefit of the doubt. You have the same coaches and same AD. Dumbass.

I dislike that dude.
I like your "chutzpah, Maroon13th, but their 21 violations of cheating led to exactly .62 scholarships lost per violation of which TCUN had already "penalized" themselves for 3 or 4 of them leaving a handful this year and next year. Cry me a 17'n river that they're gonna miss a 2nd bowl season of revenue ($8Mx2=$16M) except the SEC will assure them of recouping some of that in a few years when they come off probation.

Big whoop that they lose out on their annual trip to Birmingham, Nashville or Charlotte -- .62 scholarships per violation got them to New Orleans and they'll be back at it next year because I fully expect the NCAA pussies to cave in on the appeal and we'll see TCUN bowling next year. I was one of the hardline 35+ lost scholarship, 3-year bowl ban guys and am highly disappointed. It's very demoralizing to see that much rampant cheating and so little punishment.