Quote Originally Posted by Johnson85 View Post
You are going to pay for more bandwidth regardless. Everybody is using more bandwidth, so somebody is going to have to pay to install more bandwidth or some people are going to have to pay more to avoid being throttled and the ones that don't will get throttled or just have a right to less bandwidth to begin with.

Net Neutrality might not be bad, but I don't think it's going to suddenly create a wasteland like people are freaking out about.
It will not create a wasteland but it will give the big Telecom corporations the ability to create a Revenue stream that is not currently there. People streaming entertainment at the pace we do now is still relatively new which is why those corporations poured in more than $160 Million dollars into politicians pockets to get the Net Neutrality reversed. The corporations will charge someone and I hate to break it to you but eventually it is the people who get on the internet. You might not care about a few dollars here or there but it will add up for people that use it. I now even just buy my movies on Itunes and stream them instead of buying Blurays.