Quote Originally Posted by BeardoMSU View Post
I love the Matrix. For a time, it was up there with one of my favorite all time films. I considered adding it to my list, but the damn sequels have sorta stained the original in my mind. I still love it, obviously, but those two sequels are just bad and drag down the lore a bit now. The Wachowski's haven't recovered since....though I did like aspects of Cloud Atlas.

It's funny, when Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions came out, I was so obsessed with The Matrix, I tried to convince myself that they weren't actually bad movies, but just misunderstood because they were so ambitious, lol...totally deluding myself. I guess it was a similar phenomenon with people telling themselves the Star Wars prequels are good films, lol.
Cloud Atlas was an ok 1 1/2 hour movie stuck in 3 hours of cinema. That movie just dragged on so long. I watched it but it was more out of interest on how they used the characters and showed development over time. It was an interesting premise. I was the same about The Matrix. My sister actually bought me the box set of all the movies plus the separate disks of extras along with the anime' movie. I still have it but I haven't watched it in quite a while. I will watch The Matrix about any time it comes on TV but in the sequels the CGI just about ruins it for me along with the let down of the ending. I am not a writer but the first had a lot of promise. They just didn't know where to really go with it.

I haven't seen Sense8 or whatever it is on Netflix. I think I will give it a try after I get caught up on the Marvel series.