Yanci and the other Mississippi Cheerleaders continue to tell their sheep Leo had a bad day in front of the COI. I'm confused as to how Leo Lewis could have messed up so badly with the COI.

LL said that Barney and Freeze set him up with Boosters
Mississippi admits that Barney set up Boosters with LL
Barney had a text in his phone from a Booster admitting to giving LL 10K
LL described said Booster's vehicle perfectly which means that they met.

The money at this point is really insignificant. Ole Miss is caught. Game. Set. Match

Now, we have the Rebel Rags Conspiracy story. There is no way on God's green Earth you are going to prove a Conspiracy between Mullen, LL, Jones, and Miller. These people are going to lose their mind once sanctions hit them and then Rags has to drop his suit because the discovery phase ends up putting them on the border of the death penalty. There are not smart people in charge at Ole Miss at the moment. It's mind-googling