Quote Originally Posted by Bothrops View Post
Arkansas is the toughest place to win in the West, and our weight room is one of the nicest around.
I think Ole Miss is personally. You basically have to cheat and follow their Network or you are going to end up like Cutcliffe. That is leading to NCAA Investigations which means probation which for a coach can lead to career jeopardy. Ole Miss doesn't have a huge fanbase and it's spread out over the country- and what local fanbase they do have doesn't live in reality and isn't willing to go through a 10 year process to get to the top. They also have enough history to believe that they can and should be an elite powerhouse when the reality is they are in the lower division of the league. Add in racist symbols that they cling to- it doesn't make things any easier. Add in that they have to share Mississippi with a now resurgent MSU football program.