Quote Originally Posted by gravedigger View Post
I realize it is frustrating for many. But it seems many just don?t have a realistic concept of why the postgame traffic is as bad as it is.

1. Starkville population is 25,000 and msu is roughly the same. That means an area that holds 50,000 normally on gameday grows to well over 100,000.

2. While the stadium grew in the last 40 years the area didn?t. It?s the same plot of land. Roads are better, but generally the same.

3. Most important part: the stadium area grows over 5 hour period on gameday. Meaning it trickles in. But the game ends and depending upon the score, upwards of 60,000 expect to leave in less than half that time.

4. Think of a crowded theater and a fire breaking out. Even with emergency exits, there will be a crush at the doors.

5. All lanes going out has its merits, but the shuttles couldn?t get but one group out. That works for many, but also strands many.

Moral of the story, the only time the egress from a game is acceptable is in a blowout, but sometimes not then (LSU) when people stayed to enjoy it. Bama game went to the last play.

Hoping we blow out Ole Miss for more reasons than you can imagine.
Oh, blow it out your bloomers... whatta you know. ***