At the ball game last night sitting in front of me was a family of six- parents, two daughters and two sons. None of the Children were over the age of 12. The two parents were decked out in state gear as well as the two daughters. The two sons on the other hand...... decked out in Dollar General looking Alabama gear. The entire night last night and especially at the end they were annoying their dad constantly screaming at him "Roll Tide" while the dad would look back at them sarcastically and say "no! Hail State" with a smile on his face the entire time. The kids at the end were hellacious to their and their dad just handled everything like it was nothing

If you were the parents of these children who happened to end up with Bama gear and wanted to wear it to the game (Believe me, I wouldn't have spent a dime on it) would you......

A. Tell them they couldn't come unless they cheered for state and wore state gear
B. Leave them at home

Made me sick to see that dad bring that shit on himself and let his kids do that, its had me seething since yesterday.